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Digital honeymoons can’t last forever and, while the euphoria of a software purchase may have managers swinging from the treetops (or at least smiling for a healthy second or two), they could land with a bump if they don’t check what is hiding in the undergrowth.

Sure, you acquired the new system with efficiencies in mind, but are you mindful of the effort it will take to get you where you want to be?

The monetary outlay is only a tiny brushstroke on a massive canvas. Switching to a new system doesn’t happen overnight, and nothing can happen without you utilising your resources. Time also = money. It can be easy to overlook the costs that come not only pre-project but the support and additions you might require after.

In this 15-minute read, we cover all things cost, including:

* Human Capital Investments

* Keeping vendors under control

* Embracing and encouraging change

Read on to find out the true cost of a system change. First, we just need a few details from you:

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